Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I thought digital technology would eventually reverse urbanization, and so far that hasn't happened. But people always overestimate how much will change in the next three years, and they underestimate how much will change over the next 10 years.” Bill Gates

Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them.
—Bill Vaughn

As growth becomes denser, highway costs rise while transit costs decline. - Anonymous

If car ownership is mandatory, [the place is] not urban. - Donald Baxter

A street is a spatial entity and not the residue between buildings. - Anonymous

...if someone charges that the New Urbanism is about hating cars, we can say no, that it is only when convenient walking and convenient driving conflict that we place the pedestrian above the driver; where they do not conflict, there is no dilemma. - Bruce Donnelly

For more interesting quotes please check out the following site

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