Monday, April 28, 2008

Chapter 5

Urban Sturcture in the Industrial Era

During this time period, thre was much visible growth and intensive building and rebuilding. This can be seen as the template for cities today.

Cities during this time, were broken up into "sections."
These sections included:

  • Central Business Districts

  • Department Stores and Shopping Districts

  • Downtown Office Districts

  • Warehouse Zones

With the creation of these sections, the cities became more organized and it was easy for people to see where to find the things they needed.

A study done in 1878-1928 by Homer Hoyt developed a sector model or urban land use based on generalizations of rental values.

The generalizations are as follows:
  • Rent, and therefore a socioeconomic status, varied within cities primarily by radial sectors.

  • The highest rents were to be found in a single sector that extended out continuously from the CBD.

  • Intermediate rents, many times associated with middle class income neighborhoods, were found in sectors on either side of the high-rent sector.

  • Low rents, associated with working class and low-income families, were found on the side of the city opposite the high-rent sector.

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